The Peterborough Garden Show

  The 16th Annual Peterborough Garden Show hosted by the Peterborough Horticultural Society and Peterborough Area Master Gardeners opened Friday and continues until Sunday at the Evinrude Centre on Monaghan Road. This year’s event includes more than 130 vendors and exhibitors, speakers, Little Green Thumbs…

Peterborough Garden Show

Looking out the window today, it is hard to believe it is Spring!  An event that might get you thinking and excited about gardening is the Peterborough Garden Show. The show hosts: 100 Vendors and Exhibitors (landscapers, gardeners, growers, teachers and designers) Garden Displays and…

Canada Blooms

I went to Canada Blooms today and enjoyed all the exhibits and of course sales on plants! I also ran into Elvis and bought an Orchid, Stephanotis and a Crispy Wave Fern.  What a day!

Getting the jump on Spring

On Saturday I went down to the Toronto Botanical Garden’s – Get the jump on spring show.  There were: 30+ exhibitors Demonstrations Floral Design Competitions Toronto Master Gardeners on hand to answer questions Winter Garden Tour Organic farmers’ market JUMP Café Special discounts in the…

The 2016 Orchid Show

The Orchid Show at the Toronto Botanical Gardens was a real treat yesterday.  This beautiful tropical paradise took you far away from these bone chilling temperatures, at least for a little while anyway. Enjoy!

59 More Days Until Spring

What are you doing to get ready?           Here are some ideas to help you get excited about this years upcoming gardening season. Allan Gardens Conservatory is a major landmark and tourist attraction in downtown Toronto. Its historic, cast-iron and glass…

Allan Gardens – Toronto

A must see at Christmas time!  Allan Gardens is a greenhouse filled with tropical plants, from all over the world, nestled in downtown Toronto.  At Christmas time you will find the conservatory decorated and filled with thousands of plants, including over 40 different varieties of poinsettias. Enjoy…